E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā rā koutou katoa.
On the 5th February, we welcomed Whaea Laurelle Tamati – Deputy Principal Kaihautū Māori, to Te Kura o Hoani Pāora, in a Pōhiri that was very significant for our Kura and Ngāti Whakaue. Laurelle, Tūhourangi-Ngāti Wāhiao, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Whare comes to us from Te Kura o Rautāwhiri – Rotorua Girls High School, where she was Head of Faculty Marautanga. The speakers in the Pōhiri, Steven Clarke and Matetu Mihinui made reference to her ancestor Kuia Mere Kanea, who is particularly important, as a devout Catholic, Mere Kanea gifted land to the Diocese.
As Hone Tarawhiti said “it was an awesome day of the ‘past reshaping the future’.
Laurelle will be in the shadow of her Kuia Mere Kanea who always stands as a role model of Tūhourangi-Ngāti Wāhiao and today we all witnessed the unity, kōrero and waiata between the Puarenga and the Utuhina sharing our common interests in education and religion.”
Whaea Laurelle is a returning JPC student, but for yesterday she came with her whānau and former colleagues from RGHS. Their waiata was phenomenal, with harmonies and volume that lifted the roof of the Edmund Rice Centre..
A special mention must be made to Wharekahika Clarke, for his role in organising a successful Pōhiri and to the students and staff of John Paul College for their respect and reverence.
Rod Hill and Bryony Edwards