You are late for school
If you arrive during Form Period, report to your Form Teacher. If you arrive after Form Period, report to Student Reception. You must have a note otherwise there is a consequence.
You know you will be away
Bring a note to your Form Teacher. Ask a parent/caregiver to phone the College Office 07 347 8795 before 9am on the day you are away.
You have been absent from School
Bring a note to your Form Teacher. Ask a parent/caregiver to phone the College Office before 9am.
You need to leave during the School day
Bring a note to Student Reception before the morning Form Time. Collect your Leave Permission Slip from Student Reception at Interval. You must show this to your Subject Teacher before you leave class you must sign out and sign in at Student Reception. If you are out of school without permission there will be consequences.
You need to buy stationery
See the Accounts Office for purchasing basic stationery items while at school. The stationery lists are also on the website.
You don’t have the correct uniform on
Show a note to the Duty Dean who will issue you with a Uniform Pass. You must be carrying a Pass. If you are out of uniform and do not have a uniform pass there will be consequences.
You need to use a phone
There is a student phone (for emergencies use only) at Student Reception. This is to be used at interval and lunchtime only. During class time a note from the subject teacher is required.
You have a concern
First port of call is always your classroom teacher, then you can talk to your Dean or the DP’s or the Principal. It’s a good idea to write down your complaint or concern.
You want to discuss the way a teacher is treating you
Firstly, talk to your Dean or a Guidance Counsellor. You can also talk to one of the DP’s or the Principal.
You lose something that belongs to you
Report your loss to your Dean or to Student Reception. Please name ALL your property for easy return. Lost property can be reclaimed at Student Reception.
You have something confiscated
Confiscated property can be reclaimed from the Year Level Dean at the end of the day or as instructed.
If something is stolen from you
Tell your teacher immediately and then report it to your Dean.
You are on a Daily Report
Collect your Daily Report at the start of each day from the Dean at Student Reception. Take it home to be signed by your parents/ caregivers and bring back to your Dean the next morning.
If you have a cell phone at school
It must be turned off and in the bottom of your bag. If you use it or have it out, it will be confiscated. It can be collected at the end of the day from Student Reception.