Yesterday, 28th October, we bid farewell to a valuable staff member Matua Whare. He began his time at John Paul College back at the beginning of 2022. 2024 will be his third year at JPC.His teaching career has lasted many years as he began teaching in 2014. His strengths have been in the Māori departments as he is fluent in Te Reo has a passion for Kapa Haka and loves his culture. He says he has enjoyed many aspects of being a part of the John Paul College whanau such as getting to know his colleagues, being able to strengthen others’ confidence and knowledge in Te Reo Māori, and trying to normalise Te Reo in our school. Forming positive relationships with the students, staff, and Whanau members. Matua has mentioned that teaching Te Reo at a senior level is rewarding in itself. Teaching NCEA, you get to appreciate being able to help so they can take what they’ve learned and apply it to their lives. He has enjoyed seeing his students succeed and tries to celebrate their achievements while also being a person they can rely on or come and talk to no matter what. A role he has enjoyed in addition to teaching is being the Kahui Ako. This is a role that means that he is in charge of Māori for all the catholic schools throughout the Bay Of Plenty and Waikato. These include Tauranga, Whakatane, Ōpōtiki, Rotorua, Tokoroa and Putaruru. He helps support the development of Māori for different schools and has enjoyed working with other schools in these areas. Matua’s next role is being the Principal of Saint Joseph’s In Matamata. He said that his upcoming role will be a new challenge to expand his learning career. He hopes to make an impact and looks forward to teaching younger students. He says that he will truly miss being at JPC and was not expecting to leave so soon. Matua said that he would perhaps miss his students the most. We wish Matua all the best in his future endeavours and hope that he knows how much he has impacted so many of our lives in the JPC community. His hard work and support is reflected in our school and we truly appreciate everything he has done. From the Kapa Haka leading to buying multiple things at school fundraiser bake sales. Thankyou Matua. Ma te Atua e manaaki. |
by Lucy Fleet (Yr 12) and Jacinta Low (Yr 10) |