Ma te Pono, Me te Aroha – Through Faith and love
A Catholic school in the Lasallian tradition
TE KURA O HOANI PĀORA – John Paul College was founded in 1987 with the amalgamation of Edmund Rice College and MacKillop College.
John Paul College has become the top performing Catholic secondary school in New Zealand. The Kura educates and shapes the lives of young people from Year 7 to Year 13 in the beautiful tourist city of Rotorua.
The College stands for:
- The Gospel values and Jesus Christ as our role model
- Academic excellence
- Active participation in sport and a competitive spirit
- Making a positive difference in our world and local community.
- John Paul College employs only the best teachers available, teaching in first rate facilities. This ensures an environment where our students can grow and learn to their full potential.
The Mission Of Lasallian Schools
The Mission of the LaSallian School is to form a Community where teachers and students can live their faith and become the persons that God wants them to be.
The School Community
We believe that the love of Christ binds us together as children of God, peoples of all races and conditions, rich or poor, bright or otherwise, for all are made in God’s Image and are members of His family. On this faith rests the mutual love and respect that is fostered between teacher and student in our schools.
We believe as lay colleagues to the De La Salle Brothers we give testimony to the Providence and Presence of God as we educate the young in the tradition of Saint John Baptist De La Salle, giving attention to all and especially to pupils whose development is hindered by economics, personal and other problems.
Mass is celebrated every Wednesday in term time at 8.15am in the McKillop Chapel.
Learning And Living The Faith
We believe that the learning of religious truth is fundamental to education in our schools.
We believe that religious development is not isolated from development of the mind and conscience, nor from development of the body. Logic and analysis, honesty and team-work in games, all provide a sound foundation for understanding religion and living by one’s beliefs.
We believe that we are called to teach what is true, just, good and beautiful, guided by our Catholic philosophy which finds harmony not contradiction in spirit and matter, in faith and reason.
Life-long Growth
We believe that, like parents, teachers labour to form the minds and characters of students and become transformed in the process, as teacher and student help each other grow as persons.
We believe that students must learn how to learn as they need to teach themselves after leaving school.
We believe that success in School means more than good examination results. It means learning how to live as well as how to make a living.
Catholic Character – Mission
Our Mission Is Fulfilled When Our Students:
- Come to the knowledge of God and faith in him,
- Know clearly what they believe and why they believe,
- Understand and accept themselves and others,
- Develop their talents in service to society, to nation and to the world,
- Think logically and critically and express themselves effectively,
- Maintain physical fitness and mental health, avoiding excesses and abuses,
- Possess social awareness and a sense of responsibility for the common good.